It's no surprise several of the world's finest formulas for beautifying mature skin contain natural essential oils. Therapeutic grade essential oils used in aromatherapy are each selected for their distinctive healing action; many oils are specifically indicated for skin healing and healthy skin maintenance. Of greatest interest here are the oils known for their tissue regenerative effects and support of the skin's metabolic functions. An effective personal blend using premium therapeutic grade oils is easily made by choosing a few oils corresponding to the needs of your skin type, and blending with easy-to-follow formulas.
What is it about essential oils that make them so suitable to the task of making mature skin glow? The aromatic oils are nature's liquid healing wonders. It is thought that plants produce them as their own healing potions, with variations that depend on the plant's habitat; a plant needs to generate new cells, defend itself from oxidative radicals, and promote its own fitness as much as humans do. These aromatic oils are highly compatible with our own health and well-being. Countless essential oils have been examined over time, and a few stand out as extraordinary medicines for our skin. Creating a personal formula using them is a simple task: just mix a small amount of essential oils with the appropriate (and therapeutic) seed or nut oils at the right concentrations, and voila! Your own highly effective skin care blend.
Let's have a look at the carrier oils, also aptly named 'base' oils. These are oils cold-pressed from seeds, nuts and fruit that will make up the foundation of any formula. These natural oils will form 95-98% of your blend, with the essential oils being added as the 'active ingredients'. Avocado is first on the list, being included in many recipes for its hydrating and nutritive properties. Avocado is especially suited to dry skin, and should make up about one-fifth of the 'base' for dry-to-normal skin. Next is Apricot Kernel, also highly recommended for dry-to-normal skin, or for irritated and damaged skin. Apricot can make up the entire base if you so desire. Evening Primrose is a highly nutritive oil with a significant amount of essential fatty acids - important for building healthy tissues. Evening Primrose can make up to one quarter of the base. Hazelnut oil is very common in skin care blends, as it is well tolerated by all skin types. It can be especially useful for those with a tendency toward oily skin, as it has mildly astringent properties. Despite the seeming contradiction to applying 'oil' to an already 'oily' complexion, Hazelnut is recommended in the most advanced medical aromatherapy texts for this use - it can make up to 100% of the base. Perhaps the most important carrier oil to consider for mature skin is Rosehip seed - pressed from the seeds of a wild rose from South America, it contains research-validated vitamin A compounds that act like natural 'Retin-A', enhancing the skin's natural regeneration, lessening the appearance of fine lines, supporting healthy skin that may have endured sun-damage, and unifying skin coloration. Rosehip seed can, and should, make up to one quarter of your base recipe.
On to the essential oils - the magic active ingredients. We'll begin with Carrot Seed, a wonderful warm, smooth and earthy essential oil with a long history in skin care. It is particularly indicated for skin that has lost its glow from undue stress, whether from external environmental factors or other types of strain. Carrot seed is very gentle, inexpensive, and useful for all skin types. Next is Rosemary of the Verbenone chemotype - it's distilled from common rosemary grown in particular regions of the world that lead to a higher fraction of regenerative 'ketones' in the oil. These molecules enhance regeneration and metabolism ' improving the use of nutrients and removal of toxins on a cellular level.
Essential oils that simulate the effects of estrogen have been found supportive of mature skin health. Perhaps as natural estrogen production lessens over time, these oils continue to give the skin a youthful hormonal environment. Two oils which can be considered are Clary Sage and Sweet Fennel. Each are noted by various authorities as exceptionally important for aging skin. Clary Sage is soft, sweet and herbaceous, with an aroma considered mildly euphoric to some. Sweet Fennel is a little stronger aromatically, and has been recommended for 'anti-wrinkle' formulas for every age. You may decide purely on the basis of your personal aromatic preference if you wish to include one of these estrogen mimicking oils.
A couple of lesser known yet highly effective skin care specialty oils are Cistus and Sea Buckthorn. Cistus is distilled from the Rock Rose flower, with astringent qualities used for firming the skin. Some Cistus varieties tend to have a rather medicinal aroma, but truly fine ones are sweet and alluring. Sea Buckthorn is pleasingly sweet, and should be considered for blends for all skin types. Found as a CO2 distillation (not to be confused with the cold-pressed Sea Buckthorn carrier oil) the essential oil is a deep red color, indicating the high concentration of carotenes, vitamin A precursors so important to skin health. The virtues of Sea Buckthorn have been hailed by users with a wide variety of skin conditions and types at every age - it is useful in very small amounts, and need only make up 1% of your recipe to enjoy its benefits.
Then there is the tried and true French Lavender - Lavendula angustifolia - the essential oil which began the modern aromatherapy revolution with the discovery of its nearly miraculous healing power. Lavender is balancing, gentle and regenerative. It may be added at any concentration to your blend. Its sweet and floral aroma is loved by many ' though if you find it too sweet, and are looking for a potent regenerative essential oil, try Helichrysum instead. Helichrysum contains regenerative molecules unique to this plant alone, with a warmer, slightly spicy and herbaceous aroma. Helichrysum need only be used in small amounts, and may otherwise overpower other oils aromatically ' otherwise, Helichrysum is very gentle, and is even called for being applied directly to the skin undiluted for acute healing needs.
Creating your own blend is a simple and enjoyable process. Simple, as you only need select the essential oils you wish to include, and can add them in equal amounts - 10 drops of each essential oil per ounce of base oil is a perfect start. Enjoyable as the essential oils smell so wonderful! One can't help to keep inhaling their aroma while preparing a formula. The essential oils ARE potent; it's best to limit your total essential oil concentration to less than five percent of the overall mixture. This works out to 30 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier. If using more than three essential oils (i.e. more than 10 drops each of three varieties) limit the amount of each essential oil so that the final volume per ounce is less than 30 drops.
Many of the oils mentioned here are found in blends for women, but there is no rule that prevents men from using them as well. For an aroma that a man may appreciate, deeper, earthier essential oils can be used - Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh are all essential oils noted for their benefits to mature skin. Also, for any gender, including essential oils for their fragrance and not just their therapeutic properties is certainly an option. With one's emotional health often clearly reflected in the condition of their skin, there's more than likely to be a benefit beyond simply smelling nice! Just be aware that there are a few oils that should not be applied to the face; these are some of the spicier oils - Cinnamon, Oregano, Clove and Thyme varieties; cold-pressed citrus oils like lime, lemon, orange and bergamot should also be avoided for facial care, as these oils can cause the skin to be extra-sensitive to UV light.
Creating your own personal therapeutic skin care blend is a wonderful aromatherapy project for beginning and advanced practitioners alike. You'll have an effective mixture made just for your skin type, and that you can adjust according to your needs in the future. Plus it's fun to do, and easier on the pocket book than high-end commercial formulations. As always when starting out with these medicines from nature, be aware of you're body's responses to the oils, respect their potency, and most of all, have fun!
The author is a degreen naturopath, herbologist and iridologist trained at the Colorado School of Natural Medicine. She specializes in supporting women's health through natural means. She is the owner of The Ananda Apothecary, an online resource for aromatherapy information and therapeutic grade essential oils. She may be contacted through
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Beautiful Skin Naturally - Essential Oil Blends for Mature Skin Care
Posted by
Donald Stevens
9:12 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Different Strokes For Different Skin Aging Problems
Women, and even men, only realize that their skin is aging when they see fine lines and wrinkles propping up in their eyes, foreheads, mouths and cheeks. By the time these lines appear, it can become harder to restore the youthfulness of the skin. Thus, it is really advisable that when you reach the age of 30, you should already be on the lookout for subtle signs of maturing skin, which includes dull and dry skin, enlarged pores, patchy skin tone and even the appearance of blemishes, age spots and freckles.
The aging process is something inevitable. Even Hollywood celebrities will have to face the fact that their face and skin will eventually reveal their true age. However, you should not accept the signs of tired and aging skin by just sitting down. There are many treatments and products that can help restore your youthful skin and delay the maturing of the skin for several years.
Read on and discover what types of treatments and products are ideal for specific problems related to aging skin.
Uneven or Patchy Skin Tone
Discoloration and uneven skin tone are primarily caused by exposure to sunlight. The first step in battling this problem is by using sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays coming from the sun and very bright lighting systems. Make sure that you put on sunscreen every time you go out during the day.
An effective, but quite pricey, treatment for skin discoloration is chemical peeling, which helps bring out a more even skin tone. In order to see results, however, you need to undergo several sessions of chemical peels. An alternative method of bringing a rosy white glow and a perfectly even skin tone is the natural collagen treatment, which helps delay skin aging by fighting free radicals and renewing damaged cells.
More Visible Pores
A facial scrub with gentle beads is your fist step in sloughing away dirt and grime, which are often lodged in your pores. The dirt and dead skin cells deposited inside your pores are the ones that are making it bigger and more visible. Thus, you need to ensure that you use a facial cleanser with deep cleaning power at least three times a week.
Facials and application of botanical masks are treatments that can be used to help make your pores smaller and less visible. The products used in such treatments usually contain glycolic or retinoic acid, which are vital in clearing blocked pores.
Dull And Drying Skin
Moisturizers and scrubs are what you need to get rid of dead and old skin cells and also to reveal a softer and glowing skin. Some people find that making their own moisturizers and scrubs with ingredients that are found in their cupboards, such as oats and honey, can be effective in dealing with such problems.
Flaccid Skin
The best treatment for sagging skin is a facelift. This will ensure that the skin in your face, neck, eyes, and cheeks are not drooping and loose. However, you can be sure that this surgical treatment will put a dent in your budget.
Emergence of Fine Lines And Wrinkles
Botox is the first thing that enters many people's mind whenever wrinkles and fine lines are discussed. This treatment is the fastest way to get rid of those unsightly lines on your face. Aside from being expensive, however, the effects of botox do not last. More often than not, you need to go back to your dermatologist after several months to get another round of injections.
If you do not have money or a high threshold for pain, you can opt to look for anti-aging products and creams available on the market. Although the results of using such creams are not instantaneous like Botox, you will see visible changes in your face and skin after a few days of regular use. One face gel that has created a buzz in the anti-aging market is Rejuvinol. Learn more about this product by visiting
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
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Posted by
Donald Stevens
4:12 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Celebrity Secrets To Flawless Looking Skin
Do not despair whenever you see celebrities and models having perfectly flawless and beautiful skin. These Hollywood beauties also experience the same problems that average women like you have. Do not ever think that celebrities are immune to age spots, skin discolorations, wrinkles, freckles and other blemishes. But if you want to look like a celebrity, you can always choose to follow their lead. Here is the buzz on how models, beauty queens and divas maintain their unblemished complexion and supple skin.
Hire The Best Make Up Artist
If you want to look fantastic in an event, do what the movie stars do - hire a professional make up artist. The reason why famous celebrities look jaw-droppingly gorgeous is that they contract the services of the best make up magicians in town. Even if you read countless magazines and books about make up, there is a big probability that you won't be able to replicate the way professional artists fix the appearance of stars. Just entrust your face, sometimes even your body, to the professionals and you will not be disappointed. You will surely be the center of attraction and envy of your friends because you will look like someone who just stepped out of a showbiz magazine.
However, you must realize that professional make up artists charge a lot. So if you only have little money to spare, you can always head to a make up counter in a department store and ask if they can do some makeover for you. These sessions are free, but it would be prudent to buy a few items from their store after they have glammed you up.
Know How To Hide From The Sun
Although you can see famous people basking in the sun, it doesn't mean that they are not protected. Surely, these people never go out in the sun without a strong sunscreen or sun block and a pair of eyeglasses to protect their skin and eyes. If you do not want to look like a raisin, follow what Hollywood stars do, stay indoors during the day and party during the night.
If you have to go out at around 9 AM to 4 PM, be sure to put on a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, no less than 25 SPF. And although it is cold and gloomy during the winter season, you still need to put on your sun block.
Try Chemical Peel
Many celebrities maintain a rosy glowing skin because they exfoliate regularly. Aside from the daily scrubbing they do to their skin in the comforts of their own homes, they also head out to spas and dermatology clinics to have chemical peels. Such treatments are important in bringing out new skin by peeling away dead skin cells and in significantly reducing skin blemishes and discolorations. Chemical peels, which are popular not only in female but also in male celebrities, are quite expensive. Furthermore, in order to achieve a soft, supple and blemish-free face, neck and skin, you need to undergo a number of chemical peel sessions, usually not lower than 6 visits to skin clinics.
If you do not have the dough, however, you need to be content on using anti-aging and skin whitening creams. These products are also effective in fighting the signs of aging without draining your wallet. However, it usually takes a month or two before you can see the results of these kinds of face creams.
Since most face products can be bought over the counter or through the Internet, it is advisable that you choose your anti-aging and skin whitening products well. Look for products that contain natural ingredients. One face cream that is effective in banishing age spots, wrinkles, freckles, fine lines and skin discoloration is Lumnaderm. If you want to know more about this product, just visit
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
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Posted by
Donald Stevens
9:35 PM